The Money Madams Podcast
Simple strategies to kick
your finances in the ass
‘Make Money Your Bitch’ and online program teaches people how to take control of their money and create abundance. Through their programs Money Madams have created a safe place to bare your financial soul and they walk with you into financial security for you and your family.

Claims Paid = $19,379,958
Check out our processed claims here →…..
What you should know…

Life Insurance
Protect the ones you love and feel good about it.
Watch this uplifting video, showing how “life insurance” is actually “love insurance”.

Critical Illness
Dr. Marius Barnard helped design the first trauma insurance policy, after seeing a dire need for financial support amongst his patients.
Watch his story below ↓
“At Hayes & Co Insurance Services we believe that protecting the life you’ve built and your future is important for not only you, but the people in your life…How? Here’s what my clients say…
“Katherine sets the benchmark when it comes to depth and quality of research, and providing her clients with tailored, independent, and unbiased risk solutions.
I appreciate most about Katherine’s approach to advice is the enormous pride and care she applies to educate her clients throughout the advice process.”
“Having seen other risk advisers before, I was impressed by Katherine’s unique approach to advising clients.
Notwithstanding that I have worked in the financial services industry for over 7 years (in banks and financial services firms), this was the first time that I had ever experienced or seen an adviser take such a personal and holistic approach to
risk advice.“
“She took all the stress out of the claim process by explaining every step, dealing with the insurer, ensuring I received all my
entitled benefits.
Her service is truly outstanding, equaled by her professionalism, knowledge and warm personality.
I have referred many friends to Katherine, several of whom are interstate and only deal with her on the phone. They have all echoed my experience of Katherine”
“I took Katherine’s advice on insurance, including income protection and trauma cover after adjusting a few minor details to suit my circumstances.
I appreciate most about Katherine’s approach to advice is the enormous pride and care she applies to educate her clients throughout the advice process.”
Want to know more? Let’s Chat!
Book a meeting with me ↓
New clients are welcome to call for inquiries or use the link on this page to book an appointment. Existing clients, please contact the office directly. We prioritize and reserve specific times for you to ensure timely reviews and provide claims support when needed.